CDC Global Credibility in Jeopardy over Lyme Policy | Jenna Luche-Thayer | LinkedIn

This is an excellent in-depth article about our healthcare crisis here in the USA in regards to Lyme disease and co-infections. Please take a few minutes to read and process the continued negative results of the CDC not addressing this EPIDEMIC.


3 Comments on “CDC Global Credibility in Jeopardy over Lyme Policy | Jenna Luche-Thayer | LinkedIn

  1. WOW. Very powerful article…and so very sad that our own CDC is misinforming so many countries on this deadly bacteria…I hope this article goes viral and other countries continue to disregard the CDC’s outdated recommendations. Thank you for sharing this important piece. xoxo


  2. A political argument for years now, I don’t see end of game playing. Everybody except the patients are lining their pockets. If the CDC focused on curing drugs that have plagued our countries and abroad we would all be better. Politics as usual. I’m 18-24 months out of estimated wellness. Not one side is all bad or all good but let’s focus on core values.

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