The Heat is Here

So, much of May has been overcast or rainy, which is definitely not the norm here in Southeast Texas. The 10 days in a row! of rain we just had finished on Tuesday.

Now, add sun. And we’re now living in a greenhouse. Heck, it’s always humid here, but it’s extra right now. Temps for today read 88 but with humidity, 96. And I think we’re in for a lot more of where that’s coming from, unfortunately.

I hate to be cliche, but the mosquitoes are now really bad, and they are Texas size, y’all. No lie. I’m just hoping the ground will be dry enough to mow this weekend because in some places, the grass is over a foot high. Our poor Chihuahuas are having a tough time out in the yard!

School ends in a week. It’s surreal. Trying to describe the strangeness, the disconnectedness, the COVIDness of it all is almost impossible. When students started last September, we were teaching remote and F2F and that hasn’t changed all year. To say I’m glad this school year is over soon is an understatement. I’ve had great young people to hang out with, but it’s honestly been my hardest year of teaching in the 20 years I’ve had this gig.

I’m still pretty much just working, coming home and feeding the crew, and then laying down. Mostly, I’m just trying to roll with this right now because it obviously doesn’t help to try to fight it or “push through.” Doing that only makes the chronic fatigue worse. No bueno.

Alright, well, time to lay down, my friends! Hope everyone has a good evening.  Take care- belle

13 Comments on “The Heat is Here

  1. Many times in the past two school years, I’ve thought, “I’m sure glad I’m not teaching anymore. I loved my teaching career, but most jobs get easier over time—not harder. That’s not true about teaching. Throw in Covid on top of it, and it seemed like a nearly impossible situation.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think all year round, my Texas friends suffer. I think the one thing that makes up for it all is cheap real estate. Y’all are tough even when you don’t want to be. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good luck with the wacky weather. We got that, too, in Colorado but the hot weather is weirdly holding back. Good luck with the mosquitoes- I hope they don’t outgrow your dogs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are 100% right about wacky. Yes, we had several teachers leave or retire because of the F2F requirement this year. I think more are leaving the profession after this year due to the unending stress and anxiety. It’s sad to see this. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s a lot of water! We back onto a forested reserve which is very soggy and full of mosquitoes. Our mosquito misting system can’t cope this year….


  5. Wow, thanks a lot for being a teacher. I know it is extremely hard on the parents but many people forget how mind boggling crazy it is for teachers and professors. Thank you for your service to our youth. I have always thought teachers should be one of the highest paid job there is as “What a responsibility that is, shaping the minds of the children we are leaving this messed up world too. However I have always thought that and anytime when a vote for anything related to helping education long after my daughter had gotten her masters that did not stop. Have a blessed rest. ❤️🤗😘


  6. That’s a lot of rain. The weather is all the wrong way round now, and I guess it is something we have to get used too. Here (Southern Germany) we should hit around 30°C today, which is all wrong at this time of year. So we’re a little nervous how hot it will actually get this summer. About three weeks ago we were still having frost during the night some days so our bodies haven’t adjusted and we’re not ready for the heat.
    Life would be much better without mosquitoes!!!
    Well done on pushing through with your important job, but rest whenever you need to.

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