HoneyColony CBD Oil: A Review

Check out Honeycolony!

** “I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers  network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.” **

If you are a first-time visitor, well, HOWDY!! And thanks for stopping by! Here are some other posts you might like check out:

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Now, onto the review!

Hi, my people! Well, here we are, post-election in the states and moving quickly towards the holidays.

When I was first diagnosed with Chronic Lyme disease, now almost 4 years ago, I thought I knew what it was all about. You get bit by a tick, you might get sick, and then you are treated and cured quickly. HAHAHA!  Little did I know! So once I began researching this crazy and unpredictable disease, I began realizing that there is no CURE. That in many cases, including mine, Lyme cannot be merely treated with 14-28 days of oral antibiotics. Not even. And I began to understand, especially after being sick 6 – 12 months, that I was going to have to try out some unconventional, non-Western medicine options, to treat this bacterial infection.

I had been hearing and reading about CBD oil long before I decided to try it out. Information was mixed but the one common denominator seemed to be QUALITY of the product. Yet, I had no idea where to even begin. My first foray into the CBD sphere was, and now regrettably, a product I found and purchased from a seller on Craigslist. I know, I know. Believe me, I really was clueless, and in my Lyme social circle, no one had a recommendation for me. But I knew that I wanted to try this option. No Bueno. Honestly, I think there was turpentine in it. I tried to take it a few times, but the taste was just so disgusting, I could barely gag it down.

From that point on, I realized, and the hard way, that I needed to invest in QUALITY. I continued my research and then recently, I was offered an opportunity to try out HoneyColony’s CBD Oil. I have tried this company’s products in the past, and I have not been disappointed. I jumped at the chance to try out their CBD Oil.

Quality CBD Oil!

HoneyColony’s CBD Hemp Oil is a blend of several ingredients, including Teasel root as well Astragalus Root. You can visit this page for a much more detailed list and explanation. I have tried both of these roots before in the past with some positive effects, but not at the same time and not as a part of a CBD Oil mix. When my product arrived, I was really excited to give it a shot!

I know some people may be hesitant to try CBD Oil as there is a lot of misinformation out there, including that it makes you “high.” However, according to HoneyColony, “Cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the Cannabis plant and has no euphoric properties whatsoever. This formulation offers all the health benefits of CBD without the feeling of being high.” At no point of my using this product have I ever had a euphoric feeling or a feeling of being “high.”

The first stop I made before adding this product to my daily routine was at HoneyColony’s  13 Commonly Asked Questions about their Superior CBD Oil product ranging from ingredients to usage. Since this quality CBD oil is mixed with coconut oil (no weird ingredients in this product!), this oil has a very smooth taste. There is no aftertaste nor did it bother my throat or stomach. It is silky sweet and easy to administer.  I take just a drop in the morning and then one at night. While I haven’t necessarily seen a huge impact in the morning for myself (and mornings are so, so difficult for me), I have experienced an effect in the evening. While I struggle with getting up, the joint stiffness and fatigue, lately, I have really been having sleep issues. I can go to sleep, but then I tend to wake up 3-6 times a night. It’s been a serious hindrance in the past few months.

Bundles are available!

So I started taking a drop of oil about an hour before bedtime as suggested on the  13 Commonly Asked Questions page. This seems to help me relax enough to get to sleep. Recently, I have also started taking a drop when I wake up during the night. Doing this has been beneficial in helping me get back to sleep and to stay asleep throughout the night!

Look, HoneyColony products are top-quality products! Yes, the price is higher, but again, the QUALITY is worth every penny. I’ve tried enough other inferior CBD oil options to pay twice over what the cost of one of HoneyColony’s CDB bottles cost.  I’ve thrown away more that I care to share. And this bottle that I received about a month ago is still more than half full. I won’t go anywhere else in the future to purchase CBD Oil other than HoneyColony!

Happy Sunday, my friends. Take care – B

P.S. If you are a first-time visitor, well, HOWDY!! And thanks for stopping by! Here are some other posts you might check out:

One Cookie for Lunch Today

It’s a Monday, need I say more? We were up on time – an ungodly time may I add. Coffee MUST happen or chaos will definitely ensue even before it breaks light.

Off to a great start (not being sarcastic here…yet.) Husband has his and I mine. We say goodbye to each pup explaining our day out (remember , Gramma is no longer next door for them to visit). They really don’t care because they just want to go back to sleep. I can’t blame them!

At school by 6:50 trying to get organized by the time class begins at 7:15, holding my breath before I look at Turnitin.com by  to review if all 134 of my students turned in their college final, a literary analysis of a non fiction piece they chose a few week! No late work is allowed. And great news! 133 turned in on time! Aw, my little babe birds are growing up ❤️ Well, except for one. Ugh. Unfortunately, it will a zero for the college course grade and some grade once I receive the assignment for the high school grade book.

Kids are coming at me though. It’s 7:05.

Stu #1: Ms. Y? Did you see my message to you this past Saturday?

Me: I sure didn’t. What did it say?

Stu#1: Well, I couldn’t get my work to load correctly. I tried everything! I called KD for help. I was still crying! I was so stressed out!

Me: It says in the system that it’s been turned in.

Stu#1: It does!?!

Problem 1 solved! Crisis averted! And this went on with 2 more students before 1st period even got started!

Needless to say, the day snowballed into something unruly. Luckily, one of my students was so sweet, making cookies for her teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Thank goodness, because that one delicious, sweet chocolate chip cookie was both breakfast and lunch! I told my student she was an angel! ❤️

After school, I rushed to my appointment with the podiatrist, finally. And yes, I earned a boot. He says 5-6 weeks. Goody! LOL

I think tomorrow might be just as insane. As long as I have coffee, I think it will be okay!

And So It Is…

It’s dumb, but I kept putting off posting because there wasn’t much happening and then like all the things happened! Oh, and my brain really hasn’t been working well. I’m not sure if it’s stress or fatigue but probably both.

In the past 6 -7 weeks, I’ve helped my mom on Sundays pack for her big move to Arkansas. My mom and I have been very close neighbors for about 23 years now. We fenced the yard between us for all of our dogs and it takes about 40 seconds to walk to one another’s homes.

My brother and SIL have had a wooded property with a small home on it they’ve been offering her for a year now. The Texas heat is no longer something she can handle and she absolutely is an outside gal, growing her plants and veggies. There are other reasons for her move including health issues, but she decided in January she was doing it!

Last Sunday my brother flew in. We did some last minute packing and packed up the UHaul Monday. They left Tuesday morning, bright and early with 4 dogs, a cat, and a tank of fish for their 10 hour trip. Everybody made it safe and sound, thank goodness.

But, we’re all missing my mom here. Our dogs aren’t sure what to do while we’re at work. Boo would head to my mom’s when we left for work and he would roll back in when we got home. The others, Pico, LuAnn, and Jo, would go visit and come home.

I keep thinking my mom is gone, and I need to go to her house to take care of her animals. But that’s not the case.  And while I’m really happy for my mom having this opportunity to be somewhere more conducive to her, and excited that my brother and SIL get to spend lots of time with her, we’re still, or at least I am, feeling pretty lost right now. 

My health hasn’t been great this spring either. I won’t bore you with details of my chronic illness(es), but let’s just say it hasn’t been tons of fun. I’ve had my better days that’s for sure but overall, it’s mostly been a challenge to keep it together. However, soon it will be summer break, and hopefully, I can gain back some of the ground I’ve lost to the fatigue and other symptoms.

And, about 10 days ago, I took a fall. Not from a high place. I just misstepped (is this a real word?) LOL it was right before my brother was heading here to help my mom move. I fell on my butt but twisted my left foot under me. My left foot hurt like hell. And by last Saturday, it was all bruised and swollen. But we were trying to get everything done at my mom’s! It only hurt when I walked on it! I kept it up and iced when I could.

By Wednesday, the swelling was less and bruising was less, too. Yet, I wanted x-rays just to confirm it was a sprain. Urgent care revealed that I actually broke a bone in my foot. OMG. It’s the bone that connects the picky toe to the ankle. I’m still waiting for a referral from my insurance to the podiatrist the urgent care recommended for me. And now, it hurts when I walk and when I don’t walk.

It really sucks. I’m hoping I can see the specialist in the next few days and maybe get a boot? So, yeah for over a week, I’ve been limping around at work, trying to stay off of it. Luckily, my students have been very understanding!

Of course, it’s also the end of the college semester so those grades are due this week and then, after that, 3 more weeks of school with high school finals. When it rains, it pours, right?!?

Anyway, all of this to say that I’m kind of a mess right now. Honestly, I’m a big fat mess right now! I know things will settle down, and it will get better. I mean nothing truly horrible is going on, and I am really grateful.

That I have support of friends, that I have a great work environment and great colleagues, and that I actually have health insurance (they just need to work faster!)

I’m going to leave it here for now. I hope all of you are doing well, my friends. I truly do keep up with and enjoy your blogs, but please excuse my lack of participation right now. I hope to do better in the very near future!

Peace to you 💜- belle

Eat that Corn!

Today was cold! I mean not north country cold, but cold and damp. Cold for the Gulf Coast of Texas. It barely made it past 50 but felt like 40 all the day long and no sun. Ok. It peeked out for maybe 15 minutes and that was that. More of the same plus rain tonight and tomorrow. It’s “real” winter here now.

My mom and I got up early today. I mean I got up early. My mom is usually up by 4:30 a.m. daily (WTH). I haven’t seen anything earlier than 7:30 since we’ve been on break so 7:00 a.m. was tough this morning. We headed out to a small town about 25 minutes west of here at about 9 a.m. We both still have gift cards to use up in a clothing store there. Neither of us is big on shopping, but our gift cards are almost a year old and needed to be used. We grabbed Starbucks on the way home.

Once home, I helped my mom get some things into her house. And she gave Boo Boo his annual shot (we can do all but rabies at home). I was able to do our other 3 dogs yesterday, easy peasy, but not Boo. He and I struggle with shots, nail clipping, hair brushing, you name it. I delegate those things out now after years of he and I clashing and bashing with me usually ending up in tears (and boy does he know he can manipulate me!)

After that, we watched the little sparrows on my mom’s deck through her large window up front. There were all types skittering around. All of them are cute, cute, cute! We do several bird feeders every winter. Usually, the blackbirds are already here, pigging out and not leaving much at all for the little birdies. But this year, we just have a handful of red winged blackbirds and no starlings….yet!

Feed me!

Anyway, we mix birdseed, sunflower seeds, and cracked corn together to fill up the 6-7 feeders we have put out. Of course, the cracked corn gets kicked to the curb while they eat the other goodies first. My mom has a feeder up on her deck and one below. Both are empty right now.

While we watched the little sparrows, she was lecturing them, “You need to clean up that corn before I refill those feeders back up!” She gave the the “what for” and of course as you can imagine, she had their undivided attention….

I was laughing and decided against telling her that I’d just filled all the feeders back up yesterday, corn left on the ground or not. Wink, wink little sparrows!