Birthday Surprise

My husband decided at the last minute to fly to Colorado to surprise his dad for his birthday this weekend. They’re having fun, and my FIL was indeed surprised! I’m glad it all worked out perfectly!

I was sad I couldn’t go, but tickets are expensive on a planned trip, little own a trip decided on with less than a week’s notice.

It’s been a little weird to be by myself for a few days. I’m really not sure why. I’m totally ok with being by myself for stretches. Things feel differently, especially without Newt around. There’s a glaring absence of him guarding the yard and barking just to stir up some action.

The rest of our crew is older, except for Jo, who is maybe 5? We don’t really know The Real Age of any of our pups as they have all been strays. Oh wait: Zola and Boo were picked up at a local shelter by my mom. But, then they decided to move in with us ( my mom lives next door, and we share a fenced yard) LOL

The weather has been pretty nice. A front came through Friday, and this weekend it’s been sunny with highs of about 55. Gorgeous. I wish the time hadn’t changed back so we could enjoy more sunlight in the evening and the cooler temps.

I wasn’t too productive this weekend, overall. I cleaned the house (basics only), made some chili, watched some shows I haven’t had the time for recently. There’s just this next week until Thanksgiving break, and it can’t come soon enough. While I do enjoy my work, it’s been trying for all kinds of reasons. I also think it feels harder the closer a break comes! 🙂

Jo is wearing Zola’s jacket. Jo didn’t seem to mind it!

I had 3 of the dogs in jackets this morning; our thin SE Texas blood makes 40 degrees seem very cold! All 3 were happy with them. Pico needs a new one, but he’s an awkward size, so ordering online never works. The jackets he has are hand-me-downs; he LOVES his jackets. 

Pico enjoying one of his 3 jackets.

Halloween decorations are put up, but I couldn’t bring myself to pull out Christmas items. It may just be a tree this year. My brother and SIL will visit before Christmas, but it will just be me, my mom, and hubby for Christmas day. No big dinner or other guests. Then, husband heads back to Colorado for a week December 26th. Thinking just a few decorations will do it.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. And here’s to a great week for us all. Take care, friends. Peace -b

20 Comments on “Birthday Surprise

  1. You have your mother and the dogs for company, Susanne, try living my life after three divorces. I’ve lived by myself on and off between divorces for years, and this time it stuck for good. Your dogs are so cute, Hi, Pico! ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi John! Yes, I’m grateful to have my mom near that’s for sure. Do you have a pet? I think being alone isn’t a problem but feeling lonely can be. I’ll tell Pico hello from you! I just put his jacket on before he heads out. It’s 5 am and about 34 degrees right now!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Your dogs are so cute! I think it takes some time to get used to life without our precious dogs so it makes sense it seems weird on this weekend when your husband is gone and everything is just a little different. Glad you’ve been able to enjoy some down time! Have a great weekend ahead!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Belle, the doggies are adorable, and they look ready for the season. Great you got a chance to catch up on some shows and relax a bit. I do agree work can seem much more challenging when you know a well-earned break is on the horizon. Have a great week!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What a wonderful gift for your father-in-law. It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are on the horizon, but so they are. I didn’t have the patience last year to sort through the decorations and such after Christmas, but I’m determined this year to do that before I do any decorating, and take what I don’t want to our local charity resale shop. A lot of people still are a little slim on decorations after our various floods and hurricanes, so a little sharing of just-fun things is always good.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi friend, it feels as though this year has sped by. While I’m glad the blazing summer has come to an end, it’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. That’s a good idea to sort through decorations. I’m going to do that as well! We don’t need nor use all the ones we have anymore, and maybe someone else can get some joy from them. ❤️

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  5. It sounds like a lovely productive-enough weekend. Pico is one stylish doggo with three coats! I agree about how everything seems harder the closer you get to a break comes. Just get here already.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for sharing!!.. they start out as pets and soon become family… I have a 3 foot Christmas tree on a table in a special corner of the living room which stays up year around as I have the Christmas spirit of giving year around!!.. 🙂

    Hope you and your family have the mostest bestest wonderfulest Happiest Thanksgiving ever and until we meet again..
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

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