Netflix is My Friend

Well, it is a beautiful November day here in the south and yes, I did spend a few hours outside. In a heated whirlpool. Pure HEAVEN. I have decided that I need one of these here at the house. I wish!  Anyway, that is a bit off topic. I’ve never been much of  television watcher; my parents restricted it when we were kids, and I am so glad that they did. I learned that a t.v. should not be on unless one is watching a program. Now, in the 21st century, there are televisions everywhere: doctor offices, grocery stores, restaurants, you name it. Honestly, it is so amazingly annoying.

However, I guess I am now an official hypocrite. We don’t subscribe to cable t.v. but man, we [really, Me] sure can watch some Netflix. Netflix rules! I am officially an addict since becoming ill. While I love to read, reading anything for any extent of time often boggles my brain. You may experience this as well. I sit down to read a book, and then about 3-4 pages in, my head starts to hurt, my eyes don’t/won’t focus, and/or my brain just feels very confused and stressed. So I stop. This doesn’t happen all of the time, but enough so that I don’t do it as much or anywhere near as much as I used to. I am hoping that further into treatment, my reading skills will come back to me. My doctor says this is some of the neuro lyme staking its claim. She is confident it will go away in time.


Anyway, to stop making excuses for myself, once we purchased a smart t.v. about a year ago, it was on. We live in the country so we have satellite internet, but streaming still works pretty well. I am not going to lie. I love being able to watch shows without commercials and whenever I want to for the most part. It really is the one indulgence I have at this point in the game and one I enjoy. I can watch on the laptop, the t.v. or my Kindle. It is Awesome! 🙂  I know it is a form of escapism but for now, I am OK with that. Would I rather be out doing things, or reading, or creating a masterpiece? Why, of course, but right now, I physically cannot do any of those things because of the pain and fatigue. Netflix is kinda my BFF for the time being, I am a tad embarrassed to say!

What is one or two indulgences you partake in since you can’t do certain things like we used to? Don’t worry. We are among friends! No judgement! 🙂

Happy Sunday all you people, -B

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