Tag: pain


We had to say goodbye to a very amazing soul, Newton, on Friday. Still young at 7 years of age, this came unexpectedly. There’s never enough time with our pals, but we thought we had more. As soon as I’m able, I will write… Continue Reading “Newton”

HoneyColony CBD Oil: A Review

Check out Honeycolony!

** “I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers  network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.” ** If you… Continue Reading “HoneyColony CBD Oil: A Review”

Winner, Winner!

These past 3 weeks have been kind of a blur. Week before last, I had severe nausea. No vomiting. But let me tell you, the nausea kicked my butt. I missed a couple of days of work, and it was a huge pain to get… Continue Reading “Winner, Winner!”

Accomplishment for Today?

Make that a zero for accomplishments today!

A Reality Check

It’s December 12th, heading swiftly towards that blinged-out-commercialized-day of Christmas. I’ve put up a few decorations, the tree, some lights outdoors. The weather has been in the highs of 78-80 this week, but it is now pouring down rain and windy as all get… Continue Reading “A Reality Check”

Fire in the Hole

Well, I certainly haven’t been diligent with posting. Just a quick update, I’m still having issues with my lower back. Insurance has denied a lumbar MRI. Doctor exploring possible colon issue, possible pinched nerve, and a few other things. The pain is bearable, and… Continue Reading “Fire in the Hole”

Identity and Lyme disease

I find it interesting when people say, “I’m not going to let this or this define me.” I mean I understand the literal and also the deeper meaning, but I’m always curious as to why it needs to be stated at all. My guess… Continue Reading “Identity and Lyme disease”


Hello out there! I apologize for being gone for so long. I had a bit of a scare though, and it has been a struggle to get back on track. So I caught a cold at the end of March. It was the 3rd… Continue Reading “Derailed”


Hi all. This may not be a positive post so I understand if you have to skip it. I’m struggling. There is no other way to state the fact. It’s been really tough since the New Year when I contracted a cold/upper respiratory infection.… Continue Reading “Apologies”

Back to Bed

Well, all in all, this Thanksgiving break, I have had a decent run of it. But Thursday and today, I am paying for it. It’s 12:30 p.m. on a Saturday; my husband and in-laws are outside working on our new shop and here I… Continue Reading “Back to Bed”